Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Beijing Olympics just ended. It was an impressive demonstration of power and money and human physical abilities.
I never actually followed the games, aside from being happy or sad for my countrymen when they succeeded or failed.
The games this year put a spotlight on china - good thing or a bad thing - depends on how you look at it. It showed the strengths of this giant nation and also its shortcomings in some other areas - such as human rights.
A lot of animosity came about - from alligations as to possible drug abuse by the jamaican runner to loser discontent and lack of sportsmanship from the american teams as well as others.
It was a spectacular and difficult (if not impossible) to top effort. For that china deserves hats off.
Now London 2012 is the next place of events - and everyone wonders how they will pull it off.
How will things be? only time will tell.

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