Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Things the world throws on you

It seems that when your life goes into accelerated activity, the universe tends to throw some more activity your way, and it's not always the good kind.

E.g.: You prepare to go on a vacation which will cost you some, so the universe/god/murphy thinks this is a great time to throw some overdue bills your way, break down the fridge (which will make you buy a new one), and have just a few more bits of expenditure - just to make things more interesting.

Is that what they call "The law of attraction"? go into action, and action shall come upon you..

Someone told me once that it's always better to be in motion rather than stand still. Even if you encounter bad luck or other misfortunes, the momentum would always keep you moving and finding new things, meeting new people and living your life to the fullest.

I'm an optimistic fellow, or so I like to think most of the time, so I simply put my trust in the powers that be, and continue with my plans while making the necessary monetary arrangements, because the world will keep on moving to the same place its going no matter if I get pissed and frustrated or happy and content. I choose happy (even if not always content)


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