Sunday, September 12, 2004


These days I'm toying with one of my favourite past time activities: thinking how to spend my money on gadgets. I just LOVE gadgets.. :) This time it's a MP3 Player. I had a beautiful MP3CD player which worked good once I updated its firmware a couple of times.. So why do I need a new one? Simply, I discovered that my nice player's latch broke for some reason, and it cannot read any CDs now.. Mp3, WMA, Audio - nothing. :( So now I'm on the prowl, looking, comparing, trying to get the best deal I can find. :) This time, I'm looking at Flash based players, that can double as a disk-on-key. As they got no moving parts, and it's based on chips only, It can sustain running, and got a really long battery life.
I'll keep you updated on my search as it progresses.
Have a great day, and Shana Tova!

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