Thursday, July 24, 2008

Death in a Dream

(This photo is for visualization purposes only)

I had a dream last night, and in my dream I saw a homeless guy.

He was a black guy with lots of hair on his head, with a wisp a moustache and a shadow of a beard.
I saw him twice in the dream. I think the first time he was outside or around my apartment building. The second time, he was trying to break into my apartment from the one next door.
He climbed on the edge of the wall from the adjacent apartment, and came into my veranda which made a racket that got my and my girlfriend attention. So I went to investigate, and there he was. For some reason he was smiling.. maybe to look less of a threat, I don't know.
Then I shouted at him. and he tried going back the way he came. He fell from the ledge to the ground - two stories below. I heard the thud. I didn't see anything, as the dream ended at that point.
It's a disturbing dream. I even remember seeing the same guy previously. Whether it was in another dream, the street, on the television or at the cinema, I don't remember.
Nightmares suck. I say that even though I heard that dreaming about death means good things in real life.
Hope you all have good dreams!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think everyone has been having bad dreams as of late. My fiance and I are having travel/vacation nightmares even though we're all through with traveling. Like most bad dreams, there is always an end. We can at least take comfort in that.

-Plain Jane