Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Money Money Money

Every once in a while, me, and now my girlfriend too, like to imagine what it would be like when we get rich.
What kind of things we would buy, which places we would visit, how we'll act upon becoming rich and how else it would affect our lives.
I realised This "what if" game is pretty common after asking around.
People always like to go on dreaming about things they wish to attain.
How many of these people actually take the dream from the mind and turn it into a reality?
Not many it seems.. and why not?
Is it really that difficult to become rich? or is it the risk taking that most people rather avoid?
Maybe the reason is that the easiest thing is to dream, and on the other hand, elbow grease and running around and doing hard work and sometimes going on a limb without being sure of the actual consequences is what keeps most people away from that pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow..
You read everyday about rich people. They buy this, they go there, they seem so distant when in reality they're quite regular folks. Most of them anyways.
Another thing is that people don't really like rich people. Or maybe it's just in my country. Being rich here seems to be a good reason to be apologetic and to be looked at with suspicion and distrust.
If they donate - it's probably for tax benefits or to push something to do with their hidden agenda. If they don't donate - they're evil scrooges that do not deserve a second pittying glance.
However, if you ask any average Joe or Jane on the street (Alon or Noa in Israel) if they rather be poor, average or rich in income, the answer is always clear. They (and us) all want to be rich.
How do you want to spend your life? rich or poor? does poorness makes for a better person? does money instantly makes for a less moral one?
Food for thought.


Anonymous said...

I grew up poor but my fiancee comes from a richer and slightly sheltered family. We are both equally "good" people but in different ways. I am very appreciative when I recieve gifts or any other items for that matter. I also know the value of a hard days work. To be frank, leading a life of luxury would kill me LOL! (I mean, a life with no hardship is a pointless one).

Anyways, my richer fiancee treats me like there are no limits. He bought me an expensive ring and plans on having a wonderful ceremony, no matter the cost. With him, the sky is the limit. I hope this provides you with some input.

- Plain jane

Anonymous said...

Woowee, so you're like a princess now. how did you manage to turn a webpost into something all about yourself?

Anonymous said...

i think having riches is a privilege, be it inherited or thru hard work.
a person's character is shaped by the values imparted upon him while growing up. so to me money isnt necessarily the root of all things evil. its how you are taught to relate to it.
plus i wouldnt ever say that a life with no hardship is pointless cos that would mean you're either a masochist or you havent fully experienced it in general.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Plain", with all due respect to Blurry Mind here, I'm sure he'll say something or delete the comments he doesn't like here. You're such a champ for speaking up for him though. You were doing what people call bragging. He asks if being poor makes a person better and you somehow manage to stick in all that prince charming of yours did for you. I'm sure your own friend would be more than interested in what's going on with you life. Brag in your own blog if you will.