Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Refrigerators & Black Holes

Looking at the possible end of the world from the "before" side while searching for a new fridge can be a rather philosophical excercise.
On the one hand, we really do need a new fridge. On the other, why buy a new one when it won't arrive on time to enjoy it, and the all search effort might be in vain?
Anyways, I've ordered a new fridge and hopefully it will arrive tommorow or friday!
I now know much more about refrigerators than I cared or thought I would ever know..
Anyone wants a crash course about fridges? :)


Anonymous said...

My fridge leaks. Not necessarily puddles, but the floor near it gets a little damp. Everything inside it appears to be okay except for this occasional leak. What's wrong with it?


Oren said...

the compressor seems to be in trouble. since it cannot keep up with the outside temperature it creates condensation which in turn turns into water - on the floor :)