Tuesday, June 09, 2009


We had a cockroach incident last night. G found a cockroach staring her in the face and instantly called me to the rescue.

I chased it around the kitchen and sprayed half a canister of insecticide on the poor flying bastard.

Finally he made his haven the back of the fridge. I left him there and closed the kitchen door.

The instant response to those critters is disgust and fear. The disgust part is understandable. The fear however is irrational (not that I don’t have some fear of them myself). They’re small, vulnerable, and pretty much fear us humans. They only come into our houses for 2 reasons: Food, and Warmth.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel much sorrow for them. They’re insects and insects belong in nature. My house is not that place. When us humans go extinct, they’re welcome to my former house in their hordes – but not while I’m living there!

Mostly for them, the issue is PR. If they had a better image in the public eye, like say, the pandas – they’d have a much better life. And probably longer too.

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