Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Hero Dream

I woke up today after having a long dream which was an heroic adventure.

It was my first hero dream (as far as I remember).

I was on a commercial flight. Then some fighter planes (or smaller planes) started chasing us aiming to bring us down. Somehow the pilot/s were out and I had to take over the plane and try and bring us to safety.

I did some evasive manuvering (as much as possible considering it was a big airliner), and then spotted two smaller civilian passanger planes. I knew that the fighters in pursuit will go after them as well, so I went under one of them and let it piggyride on my plane, and then went under the second one and piggyrided it above the first one.

With two airplanes stacked on top of my airplane, I was heavy and had to land somewhere.

I went slowly circling above a big city, and started going on smaller and smaller circles, till I saw a big street which even though it didnt have a long road that could be considered as a makeshift runway, seemed suitable for me to touch ground.

so I circled smaller and smaller, and then stalled the plane as I was about to touch ground. I hit the ground, but not too hard, and the two stacked planes kind of fell off and skidded in two directions. one of them ended at the end of the street, the other went into a building.

Some people were injured, and from the one that went into a building I seen a girl walk out, and a guy was lying in a puddle with some blood. As it seemed, a piece of his head was sliced off, exposing his skull and brain. but he was getting up and even talking and concious.


Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Bloody Rage

Today started nicely. It rained, and I love the rain.

Then I arrived at work, and it all spiraled downhill from there.

The feeling inside me is like a breathlessness and anxiousness and impatience and simple rage all at the same time.

It makes it that much harder to handle calls, or people in the course of the workday.

I need to hold myself so as not to yell at them and/or storm out and just get away.

Taking deep breaths helps for a short while, but if I keep taking deep breaths all I'll get is hyperventilation and dizzyness as a result of too much exygen in my blood.