Monday, May 14, 2012

Death as a motivator

I read a book recently, that claims that all (or most) of man achievements can be attributed to the fear of death, and the need to leave something behind to be remembered by.

It actually makes a lots of sense. the greatest enemy of man kind is boredom. And that is because boredom leads to depression and grim thoughts.

For myself I notice the same and also in the people around me. When you get bored, you get cranky, unfocused, and on the road to depression.

So, what can we do? think about death?

Well, in a way, yes!

If you lack motivation, think about how much time you have left (approximately) and what you achieved so far. Then, ignore the depression that follow, and put a close-by bulls-eye to look forward to. Learn something new, create something, visit a place you've never been to, and do it soon. If possible, now, or at least today. I know, I'm one of the worst procrastinators in the world. Even short texts don't catch my attention long enough to finish reading them.

Yes, I can attribute it all to my ADD but that would be the easy way out. I love the easy way out, but it doesn't solve anything. It just lets you push the blame towards something other than your own character. People do this all the time. We rather not take responsibility for our faults, or for our actions.

I make this promise to myself, to set small goals and follow them, rather then big goals that I never reach.

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