Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Ceremonies of Death & Life

Here in Israel, Mourning death and Rejoicing in Life are closer subjects to each other than in any other place I've been.
The most visible evidence to this is seen in the fact that our day of independence follows at the heels of our day of memorial for fallen soldiers.
Thus, in a matter of hours the country must switch from sad and mournfull demeanor to that of happyness and joy at the birthday of Israel.
This dichotomy is difficult enough to grasp for any outsider, but even for us who lives it, it's not simple to make the switch from sorrow to joy.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of Israel as a free country. In 60 Years Israel seen its share of wars, trouble, peace (to a small degree), technological advancement, rise in population, many different leaders, and many different decisions.
Hope is what drives Israel forward all the time, and it is also the name and theme of our national anthem. Hope for something better, hope for peace, hope for something more.
And in unrelated news: We got the bed! and it's comfortable and good for the back too :)
Have a great Day of independence!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The ironies found in Israel are unlike any, anywhere else in the world. Independence is a magnificent thing, particularly after the Israeli history of the Holocaust which can never be forgotten. These things said, there's still the realities of the Palestinian situation which has my particular interest, and the issue of Rachel Corrie who gave her life fearlessly to protect Palestinians.

These things I cannot understand = ever. Happy Independence Day.

- Andrea