Sunday, November 02, 2008

Durian Vs. Tehina

Durian Vs. Tehina (or Tahini as some like to call it)
Durian is an asian fruit with soft innards that is considered quite delicious to many asians. However.. most europeans (I.E., me among them) find it's strong smell quite to take (not to mention the taste.
Tehina is a middle-eastern dish that you eat with pita bread (or just bread if no pita is available). It's basically a spread made of ground sesame seeds, water, oil (mostly the sasame oil), lemon, garlic and parsley. I like it much. My girlfriend.. not really.
Differences are what makes us unique. Differences in culture, differences in opinions, differences in tastes and flavors and many other things.
Our differences are a part of what keeps us together. I like one thing, and she likes another. Even if none of us takes to the other's taste, these differences draw us together as they are a part of the attraction.
So, Durians or Tehina? I say both.

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