Monday, June 29, 2009

Help Self

I collect Self-Help books. For me it's like going to a mental gym.

Having those books gives me a feeling of doing something good for myself, but also doesnt require me to actually read them.

But I do read them sometimes. And with my limited attention span, try to stick to the text as long as I can. There is a common thread to some, but not all. Think positive, enjoy what you do, keep a relaxed soul and a healthy body.

It's like getting budhistic life lessons repeatedly. I don't mind, but you get the idea pretty fast.

And then there are those who don't stick to the formula, that are actually practical guides to whatever they claim to do. I can't tell that they work - yet to finish any single one of them.

Self-help connects to most people with new-age, hence hippy culture, fairies, rainbows and lots of love and peace.

For one thing, there's nothing wrong with some more peace and love in the world. God himself knows the world could use more of those. For another, there are actually people making a living out of these books. Sometimes a lot of money. Like Robin Sharma.

For another, It's always easier to mock than to understand. I don't always subscribe to the non-mocking crowd, I admit. But I find that the older I get, the more chances I'm willing to give to things I wouldn't even consider in the past.

The self-help industry is a multi-million (if not billion) one. And as it is so very much prolific, it's difficult to find the gems in the gigantic bale of hay. I normally go by titles, but titles are meant to catch your eye and grab your attention. That means I have to read at least a few pages over the book's jacket in order to see the direction a book is taking.

So, I try and focus more. To do that, I look for specific things. Like certain skills I covet rather than general promises of fame and fortune.

I'll let you know what I find.

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