Sunday, August 31, 2008


I have always found it hard to focus, whether it's at work, studying, or even reading a book to its end - mostly non-fiction books or school material.
Most projects and ideas I had, I didnt finish or gave up on before even starting.
Lack of focus, no concentration, inability to stay "on the ball". My life has been rulled by these issues.
It went on like this for years. Try as I did, with academics, I didnt have the stamina, or patience to study for long, and things I did understand in the classroom didn't hold from day to day.
Never had the patience to sit and do homework for too long. And that is a real dumper when it comes to university studies.. (or any studies, come to think of it)
Last friday, I went and did a test for ADD/ADHD called T.O.V.A
As the test had shown, and as I already figured, it seems I have some form of ADD.
It's good in my eyes, this diagnostic, since it explains my history, as well as offers several routes for treatment and addressing of the problems I had and still have.
It opens a whole range of possibilities to me, leaving me with the decision - what and if I should do something with this knowledge.
This time I can no longer chalk it all down to lazyness, or lack of interest, or anything else. It all comes down to me.

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